Friday, January 31, 2014

One Piece Character - Trébol

Trébol is one of the top three executives of the Donquixote Pirates. He occupies the club seat of the Donquixote Family and is the leader of the crew's Trébol Army subdivision.Trébol is a very bedraggled individual. He has dark hair that is worn as a bowl-cut. He wears a small pair of sunglasses and has a broad flat nose, which is commonly seen with snot hanging out of it. He has a long, thick beard and some stubby hair on his upper lips. There is a small scar just above his right eyebrow. He holds a scepter with a club suit design on the top.

His lips are a bit thicker than normal and his teeth are round and have some space between them. He has a prominent hunch and appears to be considerably taller than normal people, although a slouching back takes some height away. His attire consists of a long coat with a ring-pattern on it. He does not wear any footwear and is always shown with bare feet. He usually looks as if his body is made from a thick substance that is secreting off his body. His body type, posture, and attire make him look like a giant snail.

One Piece Character - Trébol
One Piece Character - Trébol
Trébol seems to have a problem with how close he gets to someone with whom he is talking, making people comment that he is too close. He is also somewhat bold and insensitive, as he casually asked Baby 5 if Doflamingo killed another one of her fiancés, as well as asking Baby 5 to marry him as a joke, knowing that it would make Baby 5 feel compelled to help him. Like many One Piece characters, Trébol has a distinct laugh: "Behehehehe".

He occupies the Club seat in Doflamingo's crew, and is said to be one of the top three members of the Donquixote Pirates. He also has his own division, with Violet, Sugar and Jora being the most notable of his known subordinates. Trébol was able to defeat the entire Dressrosa army, alongside Diamante and Pica. Trébol also appears to have the ability to manipulate the bodies of his victims, after they are transformed into toys. Whether this ability is related with hypnotism or another method, it is yet unknown.Trébol was shown to have the Devil Fruit ability to transform into an adhesive and highly viscous liquid of some sort, which allows him to stick to walls. He can also use it to adhere a person and drag him or her towards him. The Devil Fruit type of this ability is still unknown.

One Piece Character - Buggy

Buggy the Star Clown is the captain of the Buggy Pirates as well as the co-leader of the Buggy and Alvida Alliance,[2] and a former apprentice of the Roger Pirates. He is the first antagonist in the series to fight Monkey D. Luffy, but allied with him to break free from Impel Down. Shortly after the Battle of Marineford, he became a member of the Shichibukai and the leader of the "Pirate Dispatch Organization" (海賊派遣組織 Kaizoku Haken Soshiki?).

He is the main antagonist of the Orange Town Arc and can be considered the secondary antagonist of the Loguetown Arc. He has since become a highly recurring character in the series.Buggy is a slim, yet muscular blue-haired man with an appearance resembling that of a clown, as to mirror his epithet. The big, red nose on his face is, in fact, his real nose.Buggy's face is always covered with make up, just like a clown, and the motifs change from time to time: in his first appearance he had crossbones going down his face forming an X; he also had two blue lines near both of his eyes, red lipstick and his jolly roger on his hat. However, in later episodes after the Loguetown arc his look changes. First, a green star appears in the middle of the forehead, two half circles appear beneath the eyes, and there is a straight line on the middle of his chin. After that (when his crew meets Ace), he has two green dots on both sides of his head and four big green dots on the rim of his hat, which still has the jolly roger on it. He also has green eyeliner and green lipstick, with a curvy line going down both sides of his face. In the Impel Down saga, he has crossbones again going down his forehead to below his eyes, two pink lines pointing up, and red lipstick.

One Piece Character - Buggy
One Piece Character - Buggy
In his pirate captain attire, he dons a striped white and red shirt with short sleeves, white gloves reminiscent of the ones worn by clowns, a sash around his waist like many other pirates, and a pair of loose pants reaching to his calves, just above a pair of striped socks and pointy shoes. He also has a scarf around his neck. Hanging from his shoulders there is an orange, fur-lined captain's coat. On his head he has an orange hat with his jolly roger on it, over a bandanna with the same pattern of his shirt. While in the manga his scarf and sash are orange just like many other components of his attire, his pants are light-brown and the epaulets of his coat are simply gold, in the anime he was given a much more bright color scheme, with a purple scarf, green sash, light-green pants, and green epaulets.

During the Whitebeard War Saga, after escaping from Impel Down, Buggy modified his striped prisoner's outfit with salvaged Marine uniform pieces to recreate the effects of a pirate captain: a coat and a tricorn that had the symbols crossed out. It was revealed in an SBS question that the blue tassels coming from the sides of Buggy's hat are his actual hair in the shape of two ponytails. While in the confines of Impel Down, Buggy's long hair is tied into just one ponytail.

One Piece Character - Brannew

Commodore Brannew is a Marine who is stationed at Marine Headquarters who assigns bounties to criminals.Brannew is a tall, tanned man with dark-green curly hair, sideburns pointing upwards, large lips and his eyes always obscured by a pair of sunglasses. He sports a blue and white striped shirt with the collar left open, pink suit pants and shoes. Epaulets are attached to his shirt, suggesting that the inducement is actually his modified version of the Marine uniform, even though during the Battle of Marineford he was seen wearing a standard Marine coat with epaulets draped on his shoulders like many other officers.

One Piece Character - Brannew
One Piece Character - Brannew
2 years after the time skip he is seen wearing a different colored shirt along with the standard Marine coat draped over his shoulders. He also now has an earring in his left ear. Brannew appears to take his work very seriously, as he searched for Sengoku in order to report to him right after the end of the war. He also appears to value the Marines greatly, as when he was reporting to the other officers he seemed outraged by Luffy's ringing the Ox Bell. As commodore, Brannew has command over lower-ranking subordinates. Despite his rank being rather low, he seems to have quite a lot of authority, as he is the one who assigns bounties to criminals, was seen reporting to Sengoku himself, and described the situation to higher-ranking officers during the meeting right after Luffy's second intrusion into Marineford.

He was later seen after the war, with bandages wrapped around his head. He told Sengoku that Magellan was badly injured but still alive and that some of the Level 6 prisoners escaped from Impel Down. He then informed the fleet admiral that, despite all the escapees being extremely dangerous, the World Government had decided to keep their escape secret, so that the people would not lose faith in their authority, much to Sengoku's fury.He was seen again in the agenda room, where he discussed Luffy's recent actions against the Marines as well as his relation to Ace, Garp, and Dragon with other high-ranking officials. He was furious that Luffy was able to infiltrate Marineford a second time. He told them about Jinbe and Rayleigh's involvement in the second infiltration. He then recalled how they stole a Marine ship and circled Marineford once; how Luffy rang the Ox Bell sixteen times, threw a bouquet into the rubble, bowed his head in silent prayer, and then made his escape. Brannew stated the humiliation was that the Marines were unable to catch Luffy, and that reporters caught all of this and reported it worldwide, and concluded that the ringing of the bell was a declaration of war by Luffy.

Den Den Mushi

The Den Den Mushi are snails that are used for communication or visual aid. They are usually seen with phones or fax machines attached to their shells.
They have the ability to communicate with each other telepathically through radio waves. The people of the One Piece world take advantage of this ability by attaching buttons and receivers to them. Den

Den Mushi thus take the place of telephones and other similar machines in the world of One Piece. They are classified as type "B" creatures, being "Small Friendly".A Den Den Mushi makes a ring-ring-ring (purupurupuru in Japanese) sound, to inform people on the receiving end that someone is calling, in a similar way to old fashioned telephones. When a person speaks through a Den Den Mushi, the Den Den Mushi will mouth the person's speech and display the person's emotions as well as take on distinctive physical traits of the person on the other end. For example, when someone screams, the snail will scream as well. Den Den Mushi are usually active when someone answers the phone, but once they are hung up, they go to sleep. Despite acting like machines, they are actually animals. Since being raised by humans gives them access to plenty of food, Den Den Mushi do not mind being used and tamed. However, they do not work in extreme cold. They also do not work when the animals themselves are sick. When an S.O.S. signal is sent out, rather than ringing normally as in a regular phone call, the Den Den Mushi cries loudly. When a Den Den Mushi returns to the wild and their receivers are removed, they become a regular snail.

Den Den Mushi
Den Den Mushi
The Den Den Mushi appear in many varieties, depending on who owns them and who is talking. For example, Marine Den Den Mushi typically have the Marine symbol painted on their face or on their shell. Despite their varied appearances, there appear to be general categories by which Den Den Mushi are classified. Den Den Mushi are sometimes designed to resemble their user.
The most common type of Den Den Mushi commonly seen. They are too big to be conveniently carried around, but their signal range is much further than that of a baby. They can also serve as fax machines if the right accessory is attached. They are capable of making long distance calls, and many are large enough to make a worldwide signal. The Marines are shown to often favour these over Babys in field communications due to the range, carrying them around with the help of a shoulder strap.
A Baby Den Den Mushi (子電伝虫 Ko Den-den Mushi?) is a fairly small and portable Den Den Mushi, enough to fit in one's palm.It's good for keeping in contact with fellow comrades in the same area, but incapable of inter-island calls.They can also be used as speakers, in which to broadcast the user's voice throughout the area.
The Black Den Den Mushi (黒電伝虫 Kuro Den-den Mushi?), Black Transponder Snail in the English versions, is a type of Den Den Mushi used commonly by the Marines, as listening devices or "wiretaps", to intercept calls between pirates or other miscreants.They are actually a different type of species compared to other types of Den Den Mushi. They do not grow as they age and remain a small portable size for the rest of their lives. They enjoy eavesdropping, and dislike communicating with others.Their abilities to intercept can be blocked by their counterpart, the White Den Den Mushi.
The Golden Den Den Mushi (ゴールデン電伝虫 Gōruden Den-den Mushi?), Golden Transponder Snail in the Viz Manga, is a special kind of Den Den Mushi which is only held by the Marine Admirals. It is used to summon the Buster Call attack. The Den Den Mushi is immobile and its entire body appears to be made out of gold. It is a very rare type of Den Den Mushi. After the button on its back is pressed, it sends a message straight to the Silver Den Den Mushi, which is the signal for the Marines to start the Buster Call. So far in the series, it has only been shown to be used twice: once by Spandine on the Island of Ohara, and again, twenty years later, by Spandam with false permission from Admiral Aokiji. While Spandine's use of it was intentional, Spandam's was not; he used the Golden Den Den Mushi by accident because he thought it was a Baby Den Den Mushi.
The Silver Den Den Mushi (シルバー電伝虫 Shirubā Den-den Mushi?) is a special type of Den Den Mushi, used as an alarm to alert the Marines through the Golden Den Den Mushi's Buster Call request. It is depicted as an elderly snail that is bearded and old-looking. It has a shell that appears to be made of solid silver and similar in design to the Golden Den Den Mushi. Unlike regular Den Den Mushi, when this one receives a Buster Call signal from a Golden Den Den Mushi, it gives off a loud vibrating sound that alerts any and every Marine nearby.

One Piece Character - Donquixote Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo is a member of the Shichibukai,captain of the Donquixote Pirates, member of the Donquixote Family, King of Dressrosa and formerly a World Noble.He is also an underworld broker, where he operates under the alias "Joker". His bounty before he became a member of the Shichibukai was Beli340,000,000. Although he appeared in the first half of the series frequently, he did not play much of a role until the second half. He is the main antagonist of the Dressrosa Arc and one of the central antagonists of the Pirate Alliance Saga.

Doflamingo is a very tall (standing at 10', taller than Kuzan as shown in their confrontation), entirely blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin who is thin for his height; he generally dresses in flamboyant clothes. In reference to his animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored, his bright pink feather coat most distinctly of all. Doflamingo sports a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses, which appear to serve as his eyesight with red or purple lenses. He also walks with an odd, bow-legged waddle (though he does not always walk like this), which is also a reference to his animal theme.Twenty-four years ago, his hair was longer than it is currently, he had two earrings on his left ear, and he sported a pair of goggles that he wore on his forehead. In addition, he also wore sunglasses similar to the ones he wears today, however they had a different temple design. He has a white shirt with red stripes, a green belt, and orange pants with white stripes. He also wears black dress shoes that are somewhat pointed. Originally in the anime, Doflamingo had a red shirt with black stripes, a purple belt, and black pants with red stripes. However, when he reappeared during the events of Sabaody, his color scheme was switched to its manga depiction with the exception of his glasses. In the manga, he has orange-tinted glasses while in the anime, he has purple-tinted ones. He is also seen often, if not always, smiling.

One Piece Character - Donquixote Doflamingo
One Piece Character - Donquixote Doflamingo
Doflamingo likes to toy around with his opponents and victims in a sadistic and cruel way, as seen when he gleefully forced two Marines to try to kill each other, and forcing Bellamy and Sarkies to fight each other and suffer injuries before dealing the final blow, all the while laughing at their pain. During the battle of Marineford, all of Doflamingo's confrontations had been for the sake of personal amusement, hinting at a sadistic side, such as when he is seen laughing joyfully after severing Oars Jr.'s leg. This puppeteering nature is implied by Law when he claimed that they will not act the way he expects them to. He was seen laughing when great events happened during the war, regardless of whom they affected. He found great amusement in virtually anything, from Whitebeard entering the battle, to the death of Whitebeard, to the arrival of the Blackbeard Pirates, and even to the arrival of the Red Hair Pirates. He even taunted Gekko Moriah for being too weak to continue as a Shichibukai, and he and some Pacifista took on the assignment of exterminating him with great joy and enthusiasm and yet treated his apparent escape gleefully even though he got away, seemingly unfazed by his own failure to kill him.

Another indication of Doflamingo's lack of morality is that he ran the Human Auctioning House without showing remorse of any kind while selling captured people into slavery. He even profited from countries in wars by providing weapons. However, when pressed for time and desperate, Doflamingo forgoes any form of sadism and interrogation, and instead rashly kills his opponents to satisfy his rage.Doflamingo seems to live by a "might is right" philosophy, believing that the strong are the ones who make the rules and will be the only ones capable of living in the "New Era". Due to his belief in this "New Era", Doflamingo seems to lose interest in other things easily, as seen with his leadership of the Bellamy Pirates and the ownership of the Human Auctioning House. He also threatened to quit the Shichibukai if the orders given by the World Government are not satisfactory to his likings or if they annoy him, and that he never really cared about the World Government from the beginning. Though a firm believer of the "New Era" philosophy, Doflamingo, unlike his former subordinate Bellamy, himself seems to have an open opinion on dreams, though dreams themselves do not seem to interest him at all; despite his belief, he doesn't seem to oppose becoming the Pirate King.