Friday, January 31, 2014

One Piece Character - Trébol

Trébol is one of the top three executives of the Donquixote Pirates. He occupies the club seat of the Donquixote Family and is the leader of the crew's Trébol Army subdivision.Trébol is a very bedraggled individual. He has dark hair that is worn as a bowl-cut. He wears a small pair of sunglasses and has a broad flat nose, which is commonly seen with snot hanging out of it. He has a long, thick beard and some stubby hair on his upper lips. There is a small scar just above his right eyebrow. He holds a scepter with a club suit design on the top.

His lips are a bit thicker than normal and his teeth are round and have some space between them. He has a prominent hunch and appears to be considerably taller than normal people, although a slouching back takes some height away. His attire consists of a long coat with a ring-pattern on it. He does not wear any footwear and is always shown with bare feet. He usually looks as if his body is made from a thick substance that is secreting off his body. His body type, posture, and attire make him look like a giant snail.

One Piece Character - Trébol
One Piece Character - Trébol
Trébol seems to have a problem with how close he gets to someone with whom he is talking, making people comment that he is too close. He is also somewhat bold and insensitive, as he casually asked Baby 5 if Doflamingo killed another one of her fiancés, as well as asking Baby 5 to marry him as a joke, knowing that it would make Baby 5 feel compelled to help him. Like many One Piece characters, Trébol has a distinct laugh: "Behehehehe".

He occupies the Club seat in Doflamingo's crew, and is said to be one of the top three members of the Donquixote Pirates. He also has his own division, with Violet, Sugar and Jora being the most notable of his known subordinates. Trébol was able to defeat the entire Dressrosa army, alongside Diamante and Pica. Trébol also appears to have the ability to manipulate the bodies of his victims, after they are transformed into toys. Whether this ability is related with hypnotism or another method, it is yet unknown.Trébol was shown to have the Devil Fruit ability to transform into an adhesive and highly viscous liquid of some sort, which allows him to stick to walls. He can also use it to adhere a person and drag him or her towards him. The Devil Fruit type of this ability is still unknown.

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